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Legal Notice and Credits

Website Owner: Philippe Lecerf

Corporate Name: Sarl Altitude Espace Taxi Val-d'Isere
ZA du Verney, Viclaire
73640 Saint-Foy-Tarentaise

Phone: +33 6 07 41 11 53
Email: Email d'Altitude Espace Taxi Val-d'Isere
SIRET: 789 824 620 00015
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In accordance with the new European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of May 25, 2018, we respect the protection of your personal data, and these are not shared with third parties.

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The hyperlinks set up on this website to other resources on the Internet are provided solely to give you the most comprehensive information. Altitude Espace Taxi is not responsible for their content or the links they contain, nor for any changes or updates made to them.

Altitude Espace Taxi authorizes any website or any medium to set up a hyperlink to its content except those disseminating content contrary to public decency.


Page updated on March 21, 2024.